26/06/2019Evolução do logo Trans Reid
10/07/2019In the transport sector, ANTT, IBAMA and CETESB are governmental bodies that regulate the provision of services, ensuring that the transport companies work within the legality, respecting the environmental and economic laws of the sector.
We describe each agency with the objective of clarifying in a simple way what each agency represents and supervises within the activities of a carrier. With the description of the, what is, and for what it serves, it is possible to understand the necessity and importance of the carrier having the inscription in these organs and complying with the requirements of each one.
ANTT – National Land Transport Agency
What it is: It is a governmental body that regulates the services of terrestrial transport services and the activities related to the exploration of federal railroads and highways, it is necessary to work within the legality.
What it does: It serves to supervise and / or regulate the activities and rendering of services so that passengers and cargo are safe, preserving the right of all so that there is no conflict of interest, imperfect competition or economic infraction in the transportation sector .
IBAMA: Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources
What it is: It is a federal agency responsible for environmental protection policies in Brazil.
What it does: IBAMA serves to assist in the preservation, control, control and conservation of the national fauna and flora, as well as environmental studies and grant environmental licenses for projects that may impact on nature.
CETESB – Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo
What it is: is an agency of the state government of São Paulo, responsible for the control, supervision, monitoring and licensing of pollution-generating activities that could destroy and / or harm the environment.
What it serves: serves to demonstrate concern and knowledge of environmental quality standards so that it can have a sustainable development in the region to which it is installed, the fundamental concern is to preserve and recover the quality of water, air and soil.
TRANS REIDT has these licenses and strictly complies with all the requirements of these bodies. We recognize the importance of compliance with legislation and we aim to provide our services with environmental and social responsibility. For more information contact us