5 maneras de hacer que la logística sea más eficiente
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01/04/2020At this moment, with so many uncertainties, here at TRANS REID we continue to work and one of the measures was to strengthen the DDS. The subjects covered are directed towards the care with the health and safety of our employees. Here we encourage daily hygiene care and reinforce them to keep their distance avoiding physical contact and reinforce the need to communicate in case of any symptoms they may have.
Among all the measures that are created in the area of work safety to ensure the health of employees, the DDS is one of the simplest to perform and has a positive index and encourages results. Through a dialogue, the company talks to the employee and motivates everyone to prevent accidents in the workplace, safety and health.
We believe that a good conversation is the best tool to find a solution or reach a goal. And it is with this focus that the DDS – Daily Safety Dialogue takes place. The company chooses the subject to be addressed, all with a focus on the safety and health of the employee and during this meeting, which currently has been held outdoors, instructions on disease prevention are discussed. In the current situation, we have been addressing the pandemic installed in the world in the current scenario.
Pass on health and safety information and make the employee understand the importance of prevention. In addition, it helps to unite the team, create a moment where doubts and insecurities are clarified. Through an enlightening conversation, employees are also allowed to give their opinions and feel heard.
Another very important point is that the company stops in about 5 to 15 minutes for DDS to happen. The subject is previously addressed by the manager, he provides information pertinent to the subject of the day, the subject is studied and researched in secure sources, then it opens space for the employee to express himself. Maintaining the focus of the subject is also an important factor for the seriousness of the subject to be understood.
It is not always possible to bring the whole team together at the same time and that is why we hold small group meetings and from the second meeting onwards any of the employees can conduct the DDS, as long as they keep their focus on the day’s subject. These dialogues have been very important and beneficial for all of us and we are sharing in this article to serve as a suggestion for companies that are still active because they are services or products of primary need.
May the DDS – Daily Safety Dialogue be an ally for your company too, especially in this challenging time for everyone. For more information, our team is available to provide ideas and themes for your company. Count on us.