What can we learn from other countries to improve logistics in Brazil? What Traduções de What! InterjeiçãoFrequência Quê! What! Como! What! Exemplos de What What! Are you tired already? What? Say that again.
20/05/2020Logística e Meio Ambiente: Porque a sua empresa precisa investir em Sustentabilidade?
04/06/2020Today, logistics plays an essential strategic role for any organization, when we speak of this sector, we are not referring only to the transportation of products, but to the entire management of a company’s production chain.
In Industries, it is the role of Logistics to strategically manage the acquisition, storage, handling and distribution of materials.
In addition, he is also responsible for controlling inventories, information flow, order processing, analysis of results and for the production line as a whole.
With the great increase in competitiveness, improving its processes and increasing its productivity is an essential activity for any industry. Therefore, investing in good logistics management results in improved efficiency and, consequently, increases customer satisfaction.
Thinking about it, we separated 5 tips to help in the optimization of your logistic process, check below:
The first activity of strategic logistics is to map all operational processes, thus, it is possible to identify bottlenecks and find solutions for any deficiencies.
After mapping your activities, you can optimize each step, analyzing in depth, it is possible to find points of attention, which can be optimized in the operation.
The optimization of the productive space can be accomplished by working with an efficient management of your stocks and with the identification of the use of each stage within your process.
In addition to optimizing your operational space, you must work to optimize movements, always seeking to integrate each stage of the logistics chain to the maximum.
All the previous points must always be constantly updated, so, remember to always invest in improving these processes, value the use of technology and always seek the opinion of your employees.
Talk to our team and how we can help improve your logistics management. TRANS REID