Quality in transportation
26/06/2019When transporting a DANGEROUS product, it is required that the vehicle carry: the Emergency Ticket, the Transport envelope, the Emergency Kit, the EPI, and that the driver has the MOPP course, among other determinations. In the transportation of a CONTROLLED product, it is required in addition to all these legal determinations, the carrying of the licenses for the Transport of Controlled Products.
In order to be able to do any activity with a controlled product, the individual or legal entity must be authorized by the competent bodies through the licenses. And, to obtain the licenses must have suitability, responsibilities, science of the legislation. There is a whole control to embark dangerous products and each organ controls a certain product. In order to clarify in a generic way, we list below the licenses of the Civil Police, Federal Police and Ministry of the Army.
Civil police:
What it is: This is a compulsory license to control the transport of toxic products.
What is it for: to supervise the manufacture, import, export, trade, employment, traffic or use of explosive, flammable, weapons, ammunition and aggressive or corrosive chemicals; the control of the controlled products consists of the science of the competent authorities in knowing from the origin of the product (manufacturing) to its destination (consumption).
Controls what: chemicals, toxic, corrosive, explosive, weapons and ammunition.
Federal police:
What it is: It is a compulsory license that is used to control the transportation of chemical.
It controls what: it controls 141 products, among them: acetone, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, iodine, acetic anhydride, methylene chloride, chloroform, ethyl ether, methyl ethyl ketone, potassium permanganate, toluene, etc .;
Brazilian army:
What it is: This is a certificate of registry that approves the Regulation for the Supervision of Controlled Products.
What it is for: This decree serves to control all natural and legal persons who use, manipulate, market, deposit or transport chemical controlled by the Army.
It controls what: it controls more than 400 chemicals, among these products are: nitric acid, aluminum powder, potassium cyanide, potassium chlorate, sodium nitrate, triethanolamine among others.
Shipment of any of these products is obligatory for the carrier to have these licenses and comply with current legislation when reporting the transportation of each item as required by each one. For more information about the licenses, contact us, comercial@transreid.com.br or 11 4053 8866