With the growth of the industrial and retail sector in recent years, it was necessary to rethink the modalities of cargo transportation.
We know that there are several ways in which companies can send products from one place to another, therefore, knowing the characteristics of each modal is essential to develop a more assertive strategy.
Thinking about it, we prepared an explanation with the advantages of each of the main modes, check below:
This is the most used modal in Brazil and the main reasons are the possibilities for more flexible routes and the viability for several types of cargo, from grains to high value-added items, reasonable terms and competitive prices.
Advantages of the Modal Rodoviário
Disadvantages of the Modal Rodoviário:
This is considered the most agile modal and with the greatest capacity to cover great distances.
Thus, air transport is a great option when the factors of delivery time and safety are a requirement for your company.
Despite having limitations on the volume of cargo, size, weight and quantity to be transported, it is ideal for electronic products, fragile products or with a short shelf life or consumption.
Advantages of Air Modal
Disadvantages of Air Modal:
This is a very suitable modal option for high volume loads and the main reasons are the possibilities to travel long distances, with a fixed destination.
It is the ideal way to transport commodities in high quantity, such as iron ore, steel products, oil products, fertilizers, agricultural goods, among others.
Advantages of the Railway Modal
Disadvantages of the Railway Modal:
This is a very suitable modal option for high volume loads and is indicated for products with low added value.
It can transport over long distances, even though speed and agility are not a differential. Because it is a modal that uses waterways, it does not dispute space with other modes of transport.
Advantages of the Railway Modal
Disadvantages of the Railway Modal:
Transportation in various modes (multimodal) is already something usual in Brazil. However, like outsourcing, it tends to be an alternative increasingly adopted by companies.
With the benefits of the strategy, such as offering a better experience to the consumer, many managers will seek competitive advantages through multimodal transport.
Therefore, knowing the transport modes is extremely important to improve the results and increase the profitability of your company. Because, the logistical costs directly impact the financial area of the business.
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