We ensure the continuity of services, offering operations that are carried out in accordance with the safety policies and rules of the current environmental legislation, guaranteeing the integrity of the product, with specific and dedicated equipment for each application.
TRANS REID is certified by SASSMAQ, IBAMA, CETESB, as well as licenses by the Federal Police, Army and Civil. We provide LETPP for our customers' products and our drivers have MOPP.
Our trucks are duly equipped with a security system, vehicle and individual emergency kits, signposts according to the UN and if necessary to ship the products, we issue the INMETRO Vehicle Inspection Certificate.
Our fleet is controlled so that there is no emission of pollutants through DEPOLUIR, with supporting reports every 6 months. For claims cases, we provide our clients with emergency assistance through a specialized company.
*LETPP, SASSMAQ, Licenças Policia Civil, Federal e Exercito.