Documentos de transporte
02/01/2019Yoga no trabalho
16/01/2019At the beginning of the year there is always a promise to read more and especially to read books with content that inspires personal and professional development. We listed in this first moment 5 books that were very important to some significant changes in the life of TRANS REID and we hope that it can motivate you to read some of the books indicated and that it makes a difference in your life.
Managing the day-to-day work routine
Vicente Falconi
The purpose of this book is to provide an easy-to-understand road map so that each Brazilian can improve its management. To this end, some modern communication techniques are applied, such as the intense use of diagrams, optimisation and keywords. The book, which is easy to read, is applicable to the most different areas of administration, production, service or maintenance and has certainly been a factor driving the Quality Movement in Brazil.
The diamond cutter
Roach, Geshe Michael
This book is the story of how I created Andin International’s diamond industry, starting from scratch to generate millions of dollars in annual business using principles drawn from ancient Buddhist wisdom. I did not do this on my own, nor were my ideas the only ones to be followed, however, I can say that most of the plans and decisions made in our department during my tenure as vice president were made according to principles you will find in this book.
Reinvent your business
Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson
This book is intended for anyone looking for tips to increase efficiency, work smarter, and succeed. In a world where everyone is compelled to do more with less, this book shows you how to do less and profit more.
Productivity for anyone who wants time
Geronimo Theml
The Book of Compulsion for Those Who Want to Integrate Success and Happiness The greatest suffering of lack of productivity is not living stressed and worried. It is when you pass by incompetent for not delivering the project with excellence. It’s letting your customers feel that you do not care about them, because you’re always late.
Companies made to win
Collins Jim
The book answers the following question – How can good, medium and even bad companies achieve lasting quality? Companies made to win show how big companies triumph over time and how long-term sustainable performance can be embedded in the DNA of an organisation from its inception. The author presents examples that challenge logic and turn mediocrity into a lasting superiority, and also show which are the universal characteristics that lead one company to excel and others not.