Confirmação de entregas
06/08/2019Documentos de Apoio
12/08/2019In virtually every company profile we are invited to participate in the IDB, one of the main points of improvement in the registered transport operation is the delivery status information. There is a variety of software and technologies related to the operating spheres of a carrier, customer relationship, service, etc. All seeking to provide information, as this is the most requested product in the market.
Customers want to know all the stages of their delivery, from where their order is, under what conditions, what is the expected delivery and much more regarding the status of the process. As a result, the transportation service that until recently was viewed as a purely operational activity has become the major ally of the customer service team in the industry.
The tracking of deliveries and their confirmation has several gains for all spheres and is a differential for transport companies that offer this service to their customers. The benefits that Customers receive by receiving information with transparency has been adding value to service and, consequently, credibility and security for the sales and logistics team.
At TRANS REID, we use mobile, an application installed on the driver’s phone or tablet, which provides real-time information to the company’s server and can be viewed by the customer through the portal: by shortcut track cargo. The access allows the customer to obtain information such as collection and delivery time, description of all NF items in mirror format of the note, the occurrence of the operation, since delivery made, as material in disagreement with the order. Finally, it is possible to view the southpaw photo to confirm the delivery.
Controlling and directing numerous signed documents is also essential. Regardless of the number of deliveries, documents must be organized, scanned and properly archived, as these documents must be available in the event of disputes to prove delivery.
All of this just confirms how much providing delivery information adds value to the transportation service. By providing and sharing delivery information to customers, the carrier strengthens the ties of its customer sales team with the logistics team, streamlining their customer service and return. The more the customer sells, the more the carrier transports. Healthy partnership is that.