5 beneficios que Trans Reid ofrece a sus clientes beneficios
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20/05/2020Transport Innovation:
Companies need to optimize their production processes so that they can become more efficient. As a result, logistics has already been seen by many managers as a fundamental strategic area.
Its focus is the optimization of processes and results, for this, the use of technology is essential. With that in mind, we have separated 3 main benefits of implementing efficient logistics in your business.
Do you know how far technology can favor your logistics?
Each company is well aware of how much cargo transport impacts company results.
The impacts start with costs, here, we can reflect a little on the amount of time that the company’s logistics team demands to monitor and follow the process from loading to final unloading at the customer.
Another aspect of great impact is customer satisfaction, here we take into account that, the customer must receive the material as promised by the commercial. Here we can quote, product intact, meeting deadline, proper packaging in perfect condition.
We have listed 3 important aspects of transport innovation to make the cost factor in transport and your customer’s satisfaction the main objective when hiring a partner for your logistics.
1. Mobile is a great beneficiary when it comes to efficient customer service.
If your commercial can consult through an application if the customer has already received the product, the time that this delivery was made, who was the recipient of the cargo and if there was any note, or occurrence in this process and anticipates to contact the customer and do their loyalty work.
Believe me, it makes a big difference for your company.
2. Cargo Tracking and Monitoring provides for delays or early deliveries.
The fact that the company has hands-on information in real time and anticipates possible unforeseen events, communicating to its client, makes the client anticipate and find preventive solutions instead of having to deal with problems and having to deal with search for reactive solutions.
3. Online quotes and quotes.
It is a great differentiator for your company’s commercial to get ahead of competitors by offering a sales proposal with the cost of real freight, instead of making calculations based on an approximate percentage.
The TRANS REID cost team can help very efficiently in this regard. It is possible that the routes of interest to the company’s commercial are available for online consultation in a very personalized way. That is, it is possible to check the freight values on the TRANS REID website.
In addition to the quotations and budgets, it is possible to consult the indicators of the results of the operations already carried out, from the first freight contracted until the present moment, that is, until the service that is being executed at this very moment.
All of these benefits are part of TRANS REID’s transport innovation program, which since 2002 has been innovating in several areas with the aim of being a partner that helps its customers to grow and sell more and more, at the lowest cost.
Know more:
For more information contact us: comercial@transreid.com.br