planificación estratégica
10/04/2019Performance indicators are essential management tools for measuring the performance of a business. With them, we keep track of whether your cash flow targets are being met and what percentage of improvement or worsening is in relation to past financial indicators. In addition to the financial analyzes, we use the indicators to measure the results in relation to the maintenance of quality and our responsibility to society and the environment.
We relate the indicators measured in the company and how we act in each result with the objective of providing quality services and mainly to keep the company healthy and committed to the quality of life of our employees and with society. Please find below our indicators.
Operational Occurrence: We measure the occurrences throughout the collection and delivery process with the objective of acting directly in the operation, minimizing the chances of return, damages to the product or re-delivery.
Social Responsibility: In this indicator we measure the amount of traffic fines, we measure the emission of pollutants through the Despoluir (government program), and we do the proper disposal of inputs such as: lamps, tires, electronic waste, uniforms, EPIS, packaging and oils, we also have the CADRE of these discards. In this indicator is measured the number of actions and donations of products and services to the poor community.
Supplier Quality: We measure the quality of products and services, delivery times, quantity delivery capacity, proper handling, traceability and proper disposal.
Trainings: We have a training grid that aims at the application of at least 22 hours of monthly training.
Financial result: Evolution of financial results with increased sales and reduction of costs by department and sector.
Efficiency of Maintenance: Quantity, quality and frequency of fleet maintenance is measured by the check-list of each vehicle, which is indicated daily by the drivers and the efficiency of the maintenance made by the fleet management team.
Customer Satisfaction: Measured to evaluate service, efficiency of deliveries, proper use of the fleet from sizing to optimization, price, internal and external service, team.
Environment: Measures the quality of diesel, inputs, disposal, cleaning, use and reuse of water.
Work safety: Control of work hours through telemetry, monitoring of vehicle stops and control through monitoring and mobile.
Transportation security: Measured the amount and frequency of use of EPIS, handling of products and cargo.