DDS – Diálogo diario de seguridad
25/03/2020Transportes de material da Construção Civil
07/04/2020When it comes to food, transportation care is specific and well-defined and fulfilled processes are essential for the integrity and preservation of the product from loading to landing at the final destination. For proper food transportation, we have listed some basic precautions so that they can be preserved and arrive at their final destination in full integrity.
According to ANVISA, through the Ordinance of Federal Legislation: Ordinance SVS / MS No. 326, of July 30, 1997 and Resolution-RDC Anvisa No. 275, of October 21, 2002. Care for the means of transporting food collected, processed or semi-processed from production or storage sites must be suitable for the purpose for which they are destined and consist of materials that allow easy and complete conservation, cleaning, disinfection and disinfestation control.
The transport of food products for human consumption must guarantee the natural state and quality of the products transported, whether refrigerated or not. The objective is to prevent its contagion and degradation during transport.
For shipment of dry cargo, packaged food, it is necessary that vehicles are dedicated and properly sanitized. The pest control and cleaning of vehicles must be done every 3 months, by a specialized company and certified by the Health Surveillance, with products and technical knowledge specific to food transport vehicles.
At TRANS REID we ship packaged and non-perishable food products in prepared, dedicated and suitable vehicles for this type of transport. Drivers are trained and prepared to transport food.
In addition, it is opportune to consult the health surveillance services of the states, municipalities and the Federal District, since, according to Law No. 8,080, of September 19, 1990, it is up to the states and the Federal District to establish rules, in supplementary nature, and to the municipalities to complement the public health actions and services in their area of activity.