Livros indicados pela Equipe da TRANS REID
13/02/2019Dicas de segurança – dirigir com chuva
27/02/2019In the area of logistics and transportation, the greatest added value of the company is human capital. Even if the operation requires the vehicles to be transported, people make all the difference in transport operations. For the company to achieve good results and provide quality services it is essential that some skills are developed in teamwork. We list some skills that, when worked out, transform the entire company, increasing service quality, productivity, and reducing operating costs.
Knowing how the company works: In teamwork, everyone must know what to do and take responsibility to do their best. In a gear, delivering a job with quality facilitates the work of the next and the result is the success of the activities. Knowing the activities of co-workers, allows the team to work with balance, even in an eventual absence, the gear continues to work. Understanding and understanding the practice of activities provides efficiency and good results.
Knowing how to listen: Due to the diversity of opinions and thoughts of each one, it is necessary that the team is in the habit of listening to each other, besides exposing their positions with respect. It is thus possible to reach an agreement that will benefit everyone in the organization.
Communicate well: It is also essential that all members can express themselves well, making clear their opinions and doubts about the issues discussed and always suggest improvements in the company’s processes when they feel they are needed.
Commitment: For the work performed by the team to be qualitative, it is necessary for people to work with will, love and intelligence. That they are aligned and willing to work together for the goal to be achieved. The more commitment, more motivation and enthusiasm there is in the company.
Trust: The foundation of good work is trust. One of the pillars of a team’s success is trust. When there is trust in the Team’s work there is freedom and comfort to share information, opinions and openness to ask for and receive help.
These factors generate synergy in the Company. Synergy means cooperation, unity, consonance, understanding and result. The lack of synergy causes strife, confrontation, incompatibility, opposition and conflict.