5 ventajas de la subcontratación del transporte
15/04/2020Qual é o novo papel da logística para as empresas?
29/04/2020A company is made up of many aspects. They are all born with a why and regardless of why the company is born, this individual connects people at some point. For this connection to be successful, solidarity must at some point exist. Whether through the generation of jobs, through actions that = assist the less favored, through the allocation of resources for some social or environmental cause.
Believe me, solidarity is for everyone, but there are great people who care, protect and nurture each other becomes something as important to your life as doing it for yourself. Companies that promote and encourage their employees, partners and customers to contribute to society are the companies that make the difference.
Charity is the shortest path to prosperity. It is amazing how people who are always contributing in some way to help and improve the lives of the less fortunate, prosper. The prosperity we are referring to is not only financial, but it is also the prosperity of emotional health, having relationships, having a promising career, having friends. Making yourself useful for society is something that really ennobles the soul, gives meaning to people’s lives and increases the
feeling of happiness.
In the book The Harvard Way to Be Happy, author Shawn Achor describes, based on research, about one of the principles of happiness is to help others. Remembering that happy people are more productive, engaged and have an incredible strength to infect everyone around them. If a company is made of people, perhaps encouraging the charity that is one of the principles of happiness is a simple formula for building a better society.
A different world cannot be built by indifferent people. Here, better said, a different corporate world cannot be built by indifferent companies. A company that enables the engagement of social campaigns for its employees, in addition to creating a culture of doing good, educating and training multipliers, and perhaps this is the formula for making this world a better place. We have already mentioned in the article Social Responsibility in the company countless ideas of how we can, through small actions, contribute to a better world.
TRANS REID TRANS REID has extensive experience in solidarity campaigns, experience accumulated in more than 30 years in the market, always nourished by solidary employees and philanthropists. This is a value of which we are very proud. To learn how to help Third Sector Institutions, speak to
with us through our rh@transreid.com.br