Desenvolvimento pessoal – O Entusiasmo
31/10/2019Ficha de emergência e envelope para transportes de produtos perigosos
06/02/2020The Law of Triumph for the 21st Century, this book is composed of the knowledge and research material of Napoleon Hill, a scholar who analyzed the lives of rich men, creator of the ‘Master Mind’ – a method that combines technique with philosophy. This work presents the 17 laws of success that put man in synergy with the emanation that the Creator ‘toasted’ the universe. Each law is like a step on the ladder that leads people to perfection and perfection of virtues, such as Jacob’s Ladder. It also brings the story of the US dollar bill, seeking to understand the meaning of each of its 13 symbols, associating them with the laws set forth herein. Written simply by Brazilian authors who were very happy in the summary and explanations. Very worth reading.
Insight by Daniel C. Luz contains 63 texts on success, wisdom, quality of life, overcoming, and more. These are Reflections for a better life and are to be read more than once. An excellent bedside book.
The monk who sold his Ferrari from Robin Sharman. When Julian Mantle, the country’s top lawyer, decides to abandon everything to make a pilgrimage to India, his assistant John thinks he can’t stand the pressure and crashes. But when Julian returns three years later, younger, sleek and radiant, virtually unrecognizable, John is overwhelmed by many questions. Typical hardworking professional, John works hard, comes home late, and follows the dream of financial freedom. But he lives tired, has no time for anything and has fun. The reunion with your former mentor or discovering how the greedy and arrogant lawyer who wins all court cases turns into a serene teacher. A conversation between lawyer turned monk and his former assistant is the vehicle driver who sold his Ferrari, first success of Robin Sharma, world personal development authority and author of several bestsellers of the genre. Through Julian’s revelations, Sharma teaches simple and wise techniques about keeping the mind positive, cultivating relationships, and living with the feeling of not presenting one day at a time. A light and inspiring read.
Positive mental attitude of Napoleon Hill. Your mind is a secret talisman. On the one hand it is dominated by the letters AMP (Positive Mental Attitude) and on the other by the letters AMN (Negative Mental Attitude). A positive attitude will naturally attract success and prosperity. A negative attitude will rob you of everything that makes life worth living. Your success, health, happiness and wealth depend on which side you will use. When motivational pioneer Napoleon Hill and millionaire CEO W. Clement Stone came together to form one of the most remarkable partnerships of all time, the result was Positive Mental Attitude, the editorial phenomenon that suggested to the world that, with the right attitude, any One can realize their dreams. “Many years ago, because of my own stupidity and defects, I lost everything that was precious to me. I spent a lot of time in public libraries because they had free entrance – and were heated. I read everything from Plato to Peale, looking for a message that could explain where I had gone wrong – and what I could do to save the rest of my life.Finally I found my answer in Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone’s Positive Mental Attitude. From a single root, I ended up becoming the president of two corporations and executive editor of Success Unlimited, the best magazine in the world in its category. I also wrote six books, and one of them, The World’s Biggest Seller, translated into fourteen languages with more than three million copies sold. None of this would have been achieved without the daily application of the principles of success and life I found in this classic. ” – Og Mandino
Everyone is a reader … some just didn’t find the favorite book.
We hope these books inspire you and contribute to your professional and personal development. Good reading!