Transporte de alimentos: ¿Cuáles son las principales precauciones?
01/04/20205 vantagens da terceirização do transporte
15/04/2020Companies in the field of civil construction have the need for intelligent and differentiated solutions to keep their work productive when transporting their materials and equipment. Delays with the delivery of material during construction and the release of leftover materials and cleaning of the work impact delivery times and generate high costs for construction companies.
Reducing material collection and delivery processes can, in addition to optimizing the production process, reduce work delivery times. That’s what we talk about when we use the slogan “the shortest distance between two points”.
Aware of these factors, TRANS REID’s transport team provides vehicles suitable for the transport of material for civil construction and also for the shipment of equipment and accommodation after the completion of the Work.
It is essential to use appropriate vehicles to access the construction sites and to facilitate the loading and unloading of material. Many works do not have infrastructure for loading and unloading and in this case, the carrier needs to have the flexibility to provide construction companies with labor with experience in handling materials for civil construction. The fact that civil construction requires the shipment of very diversified products from the transport of bags, equipment, materials for accommodation, hardware, plumbing, steel sheets, stones, electrical and finishing materials, among many other materials used for construction, also remembering the shipment of fragile materials.
In the case of using labor to unload the material, it is worth mentioning the use of trained staff, equipped with EPIS and preferably equipped with the NR35 course.
Serious work is work focused on preserving the physical integrity of construction materials during loading, transport and unloading. To ensure protection from the sun and rain, it is necessary to use the option of closed vehicles for deliveries, especially in rainy seasons, avoiding problems with infiltrations in the trucks. Another factor of attention is the access to the works, if it prevents the traffic of closed vehicles, it will be necessary to use open vehicles, the use of tarpaulins becomes an essential option for the protection of cargo.
If you sell for civil construction or if you build and need a serious company with enough experience in this line of activity, come and see TRANS REID.